Livable spaces®

Health & Wellness

Why Your Emotions Need Your Attention Now

We’re often told emotions are unreliable and need to be controlled. However, emotions are our body’s built-in system to feel and make sense of the world around us. Although emotions can be impulsive and fast, they’re a good place to start to truly understand ourselves (1). Why Emotions Are Important Emotions are important for three […]

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Health & Wellness

What Does a Professional Life Coach Actually Do?

What does a life coach really do when you work with them? Jen shares her process of working with her coaching clients to help them make long-lasting changes.

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Health & Wellness

The One Practice All Happy and Successful People Do – Are You Doing It?

Do all successful people wake up at 5am every morning? Nope.Do they read 30 books a month? Not that either.Do they hustle and grind 24/7 to make as much money as possible? Not at all.This practice isn’t a secret, but it’s so simple it is often overlooked.But what if I told you that this one […]

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Home Maintenance

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle — Which Matters Most?

Just recycle it!It is one of the most common phrases I hear when people throw things away.Recycling is a great option to prevent items from filling the landfills compared to throwing those items in the trash, but is it the best way to divert waste?Reduce, reuse, and recycle has been a phrase used for years […]

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Health & Wellness

How Overconsumption Affects You, Your Wallet, and Mother Earth

Overconsumption hurts everyone —​​ you, your wallet, and the earth. Whether we like to admit it or not, humans consume a lot. At times, we do it to excess and it causes damage to ourselves and the planet. It is important to be aware of how we, as individuals, play a part in overconsumption and […]

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Home Organization

6 Brilliant Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Organizer Before Moving

Moving is stressful, but don’t just take my word for it.According to the 1000 Americans surveyed, 45% said moving was the most stressful event in their life. 43% of them said they would never do it on their own ever again (1).Every piece of furniture, decor, clothing, and utensil have to be accounted for, and […]

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Home Organization

5 Decluttering Tips for Hoarders

If you believe you could be developing a hoarding issue, consider why and how you’ve accumulated so many things, and what function it serves. Is all of your stuff making you happy, or are you starting to understand that your house is nothing more than a storage facility for worthless items? Is there another thing or possession that serves the same function? What role does this artwork play in your happiness? Consider looking at your room through the eyes of a loving friend. Would you be concerne

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ADHD Support

Home Organization with ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that impacts the way your brain processes information. Many think ADHD is a children’s problem but in fact it impacts many adults. According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, roughly 4% to 5% of the adult population in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD, although this figure is thought to be significantly underreported. ADHD symptoms vary by individual and can range from mild to severe. Some symptoms are known to ch

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Home Organization

It’s Okay to Let Go of Your Things

Buying things is easy. Letting things go is hard. You are cleaning your house, and you find yourself holding an item in your hand. You are thinking about tossing it out. But then all the “I can’s” come up. I can save this for Halloween. I can hold on to it for now. I can keep it for later. Then the “what if’s” follow. What if I get sick and I need this? What if I fit into it later on? What if I need this later? We have all been there. But I want to let you know; it’s okay to let things go — espe

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Home Organization

When Things Become Substitutes for Human Connection

From the moment we are born we need social connection—the tender touch of a hand, the soft loving voice of our mother, and reassuring words from our family. Millions of years of evolution has shaped us into a species who need and thrive human connection.  We need social connection just as much as we need food and water to survive.  We are a social species, and are not meant to be alone and isolated.  We need our parents to feed and protect us when we are young.  We need our neighbors, community,

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