certified adhd professional organizer in contra costa, california

ADHD Support

7 Organizing Tips for Adults With ADHD from a Professional Organizer 

July 3, 2022

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Hello, I'm Jen
As a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization® (CPO-CD®), I am uniquely qualified with the knowledge and experience to help you with ADHD issues, hoarding, chronic disorganization, and aging. 

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Being an adult is difficult. 

As an adult with ADHD, life is even harder. 

Others seem to have their life together, while you feel like you’re spread too thin and one small straw away from breaking the camel’s back. 

You have everything you want — a great career, a nice home, and a beautiful family — but you still feel like you’re not 100% present because there is so much to do… all the time. 

Those affected by ADHD have a hard time getting organized. Organizing requires focus, intent, and little to no distraction to get things done. 

But you can get things done. It’s just more difficult and exhausting, which is why cleaning and organizing is often put on the backburner. It’s not easy to find ways to combat the distractions for someone who has recently been diagnosed or has no one to guide them. 

In today’s blog, we are going to go over 7 actionable tips that have helped many ADHD clients get their lives back, gain structure, and thrive without feeling exhausted anymore. 

7 Organizing Tips for Adults with ADHD 

7 Organizing Tips for Adults with ADHD 

As an adult with ADHD, you have a lot on your mind. You’re pulled in many distractions, not just from colleagues or your home, but also your own mind. You have so much going on in your brain it’s hard to focus on the task at hand and your day just zips by without you realizing it. 

One of the best things you can do is build structure and maintain it throughout the day. 

Here are a few ways to do it: 

1. Ask questions to help create a productive and meaningful schedule 

By identifying what’s important, you can build and create your day around your most important tasks so you feel fulfilled and happy with how you spend your energy throughout the day. 

Here are 3 must-ask questions to ask before creating your schedule: 

  • What’s your most important task for the day? — This question is a must-have because there’s always one thing you want to do everyday and if you check it off, it’s incredibly fulfilling. 
  • What’s something you can do to take care of yourself? — You spend your days stretched thin. It’s time to take back a piece of the day for yourself. Add self-care to your day so you can enjoy life. 
  • What are some things you need to do everyday? — Brushing your teeth, walking your dog, getting daily exercise. Add that to your schedule too. 

2. Create your schedule 

With the answers above, map out what your life would look like on a daily basis. 

Use timeblocking to ensure you have time allotted to do everything you want and need to do. 

This workflow isn’t only about how productive you can be, but also includes how you can take time for yourself and allow your mind to rest. 

3. Make it VISIBLE 

Put your schedule everywhere. 

Make several copies of your schedule and put it where you will see it. On your bathroom mirror,  in your office or kitchen, or anywhere else you look often. You can even take a picture and put it on the lock screen on your phone.

This will remind you what’s coming up next and keep you focused on the task at hand. 

4. Break big tasks into tiny consumable tasks 

Big, overwhelming tasks are difficult to handle because they feel daunting. As someone with ADHD, your brain would rather do things that don’t require that much effort or focus. But a large task requires more focus. 

In order to make it easier for you and your brain, break down large tasks into tiny, easy ones. That way, you can slowly (or quickly) tackle them and actually get your task completed. 

Example: Instead of telling yourself to clean the entire room, all you need to do is wipe down the table. Then put your socks away. 

When you tackle one small task, you feel happy and fulfilled it. 

You can decide to move on to the next task or do something else. But either way, you can be proud of yourself for doing the one thing you told yourself to do. 

5. Labels 

Label everything. 

Many with ADHD are visual people. 

Having labels on everything reminds you where your item should go without a second thought. 

When everything has a home, it’s easy to put things back in their proper place and keep your home and room organized and tidy instead of throwing everything on the table. 
Label your drawers, containers, shelves, and anything that makes your life easier. 

6. Accountability partner 

Get an accountability partner. It’s truly a game changer. 

As an adult, it’s difficult to do things alone. When you’re also trying to figure out adulthood with ADHD, it’s even harder.

A great accountability partner pushes you, cheers you on, and celebrates your wins with you. They help you become the best version of yourself you can be. 

7. Practice, practice, practice 

You practice the tips above and you consistently tweak and improve your schedule, and organization systems to allow you to really thrive. 

Constant practice allows you to see what works for you and what doesn’t. Then you can really tailor your schedule to fit your unique lifestyle. 

Work With a Professional Organizer Who Specializes in ADHD

Work With a Professional Organizer Who Specializes in ADHD

ADHD is difficult to navigate on your own, but you don’t have to do it alone. 

If you’re looking for an accountability partner who already understands what you’re going through, speak to a professional organizer who specializes in helping those with ADHD. 

They are patient, sensitive, and knowledgeable about “triggers” that can overwhelm you. Because they understand what you’re going through, they ask the right questions to bring awareness and understanding so you can develop new strategies to better support your lifestyle. 

For those in Alameda and Contra Costa County in California, Livable Spaces™ is certified to help those living with ADHD. If you’re ready to build structure and get your time and energy back, schedule a free call today. 



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