Livable spaces®

Using the SHiFT® Method to inspire lasting change for your clients, yourself & the world around you

Using the SHiFT® Method to inspire lasting change for your clients, yourself & the world around you

SHiFT® Training Academy

Start & Grow a Heart-Based
Professional Organizing Business
That Transforms Lives

Start & Grow a Heart-Based Professional Organizing Business
That Transforms Lives

...using the SHiFT® Method to inspire lasting change for your clients, yourself & the world around you

Apply for SHiFT® Academy

Not to mention, your own! There’s nothing more fulfilling than having a positive impact on someone’s home, health, and life.

And that’s exactly what you give to people as a Professional Organizer.

You get to witness how your work draws out the best in your clients in a way I can only describe as profoundly moving.

SHiFT®’s an inside job.

As a Professional Organizer, you have the opportunity to change people’s lives.

You may have found your way here because you:

Desire the freedom in your life that only entrepreneurship can grant you.

Are an established Professional Organizer looking to deepen your knowledge and gain credentials.

Have a knack for organizing and want to turn your gifts into a side hustle or career.

Have a desire to help people and you crave a sense of purpose in your life.

However it is you got here – 

You’re interested in having a successful organizing business.

One that creates a meaningful SHiFT® in people’s lives.

But here’s the thing...wanting to run a successful organizing business, and actually making it happen, are two *totally* different things. 

  • “How do I actually do this job, and do it well?”

  • “How do I get clients, and keep them coming in?”

  • “How much should I charge those clients?”

  • “How do I bill my clients?”

  • “Do I need an LLC? A website?”

And the list goes on!

If only you had access to insider knowledge and guidance on how to start and grow a sustainable (even wildly successful!) organizing business from an expert in the industry… have a million and one questions, starting with...

Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization (CPO-CD), Certified Virtual Organizing Professional (CVOP), ADHD & Life Coach, Author of Making the SHiFT®, and the Founder of Livable Spaces®.

I’ve been in the organizing world for nearly a decade. And in that time, not only have I grown a 6-figure business I love, but I’ve also helped hundreds of incredible people – most of whom were struggling, all of whom are deserving of a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.

Hey there, I’m


But it’s so much deeper than that.

You see, to me, organizing isn’t just about clearing the clutter.
Sure, that’s part of it.

This work is about giving someone the space to breathe and to live the life they deserve.

For people affected by chronic disorganization (CD), the weight of clutter can:

Disrupt their social connections

Damage their health

Make them feel undeserving

Impact their finances

Waste their valuable time

And after seeing these problems come up time and time again with my clients, I realized I wanted to do more than simply come in, organize the clutter, and move on.

It’s quite a stressful way of living.

I wanted to address the underlying personality behaviors behind the clutter, so they could maintain a higher quality of life moving forward. 

  • SOCIAL — Social community heals you from the inside out. Decluttering the home creates space for you to gather and connect with the people you love, without fear or judgment.

  • HEALTH — A cluttered home is a cluttered mind, while a clean home is a healthy one. Having a clear space allows you to become the healthiest version of yourself.

  • I AM DESERVING — Many people who live in a state of clutter don’t believe they deserve a Livable Space. The first step to change is believing it is possible and deserving.

  • FINANCES — Misfiled paperwork leads to debt and stress. Having things in order means you can feel at ease and spend money on things that are truly important.

  • TIME — Digging through the clutter takes precious time out of your life. A clean space allows you to spend time on things, and with people, that matter.

That’s how the SHiFT® Method of Organizing was born.



i am deserving



After integrating this holistic approach into my business, and witnessing firsthand the incredible transformations it’s had on my client’s lives, I knew I needed to spread the word.

Which is exactly why I created…..

SHiFT® Training Academy

A 6-week LIVE group program designed to guide you from start to finish on how to grow your own successful organizing business and apply the SHiFT® method with your clients.

Apply right now!

SHiFT® Training Academy


Build a meaningful career that helps people live happier and healthier lives, so you feel empowered and fulfilled by the work you do every day.

Learn a holistic approach to organizing that looks at your clients as whole people, so you can get better results and make a greater impact.

Start and grow a successful professional organizing business, so you’re not left wondering how to make this idea a real, successful + sustainable career.

Here’s What You’ll Gain When You Join

Uplevel your credentials by gaining eligibility to become a SHiFT® Specialist, so you can flash your badge and build trust with potential clients.

Get incredible results for your clients that not only allow you to create lasting change in people’s lives but also help your business stand out and succeed.

you'll get  there



here's how you'll get there

Phase 1: Business Building Basics

You’ll begin this program with the foundational knowledge you need to start and grow a sustainable business. Put your entrepreneurial cap on, because it’s time to take the leap!

Meet your organizing business buds! Connecting with other business owners who are on a similar path is invaluable in the journey of entrepreneurship.

Module 1: Intro to the Program

Dive deep into reflection and get clear on your purpose and strengths. This will help you create a business that fits well into your life, not the other way around.

Module 2: Organizing Around Your Values

Learn the nuts and bolts of how to set up your business. You’ll get all of your burning questions answered here, including how to calculate your rate. 👀

Module 3: Business 101

Understand need-to-know marketing tactics that will help you grow. You’ll walk away from this session knowing how to consistently bring in new business.

Module 4: Marketing Strategies

Master client interactions and management. This training will give you a rundown of how to connect with your organizing clients, even if you’ve never worked with any before.

Module 5: Connecting with Clients

You’ll walk away with clear steps on how to start, grow, and run an organizing business you love.







We start with the first letter of the acronym, which stands for social. Learn how the power of compassion and good listening can make all the difference when working with clients.

Module 6: Social

Your work transforms people’s health and happiness. Understand how to leverage your craft as an organizer to help your clients live their healthiest lives.

Module 7: Health

Many clients, especially those affected by Chronic Disorganization (CD), don’t feel deserving of a Livable Space. Learn how to empower your clients to feel worthy of a ”livable” home.

Module 8: i Am Deserving

Clutter can lead to missed payments, debt, and utter stress. Walk away from this session knowing how you can apply this method to eliminate this burden from your clients’ lives.

Module 9: Finances

Living in clutter takes away people’s precious time. You’ll understand the significant impact this has on people’s well-being and exactly how you can make a difference.

Module 10: Time

You’ll walk away knowing how to apply the SHiFT® Method of Organizing to your business and help your clients return to a place of wholeness.






Phase 3: Hands On Support

Now that you’ve learned how to work with clients, it’s time to role-play! In this session, you’ll practice handling client objections. Plus, you’ll have time to get any last questions answered.

Module 11: Interactive Mentorship

In our final session, we’ll wrap up our time together by talking about how you can apply the SHiFT® Method to other avenues in the field, including virtual organizing!

Module 12: Sustainable Success

You’ll walk away with a strong understanding of how to apply the SHiFT® Method to your unique business.







Experience the

Plus, Get BONUS Support to SHiFT® Your Business

Over the course of 6 weeks, we’ll meet 2x a week for 2-hour sessions that are held via Zoom. Once you’ve completed the program, you’ll be eligible to use the SHiFT® Method of Organizing and become a SHiFT® Specialist!

Hop on a 1-hour post-graduation 1:1 coaching call with me to outline a customized 60-day roadmap of your next best steps for success. Whether you want to discuss different avenues in the field, receive support in one area, or do a general Q&A, this time is all yours!

Bonus #1: Roadmap Coaching Session with Jen (VALUE: $150)

Gain access to our Private Facebook Group where you can get your questions answered and receive support from other students inside the program (and me!). There is nothing more valuable in the journey of entrepreneurship than connecting with your peers.

Bonus #2: Private SHiFT® Training Community (VALUE: Priceless!)

Receive a signed copy of my book, Making the SHiFT®: True Stories of How People Affected by Chronic Disorganization Learn to Live a Deserving Life. This book breaks down the SHiFT® Method and will further your knowledge and skills as a Professional Organizer.

Bonus #3: Signed Copy of Making the SHiFT® (VALUE: $19.99)


  • 24 hours of LIVE, unique professional organizing and business training

  • 60-Minute 1:1 Coaching Call with Jen

  • Customized 60-Day Roadmap following the program

  • Exclusive Access to the SHiFT® Training Private Facebook Community

  • Signed copy of Making the SHiFT® Book

This means by saying “YES” to the program, you get:

Save My Spot!

Professional Organizer and Master the SHiFT® Method of Organizing in Just 6 Weeks?


you ready




Our full program for “beginners” or new entrepreneurs provides foundational business education and support.

For experienced business owners who are here to expand their knowledge, advance their skills, and learn the SHiFT® Method, we offer a shorter program that skips the business training.

Pick a Track 👇

We offer different tracks depending on where you are in your organizing journey.

October 2, 2023 - November 8, 2023
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST

October 3, 2023 - November 9, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST

Take Your Pick

Beginner’s Track 
*Full Program: Recommended

This track is for Enthusiastic Beginners wanting to learn how to start and grow a successful, purpose-driven business as a Professional Organizer.

✔️ Modules 1-12 (full program)

✔️ All 3 Special Bonuses

✔️ SHiFT Specialist License

What’s Included

Pay only once…


Apply Now!

Make two monthly payments…


Apply Now!

Pick either morning or afternoon sessions, and join us in Module 6 after we've covered the basics. 


Expert’s Track
This track is for Established Professional Organizers with 2+ years of organizing experience who are either:

  • Current subscribers to ICD® and have completed the Chronic Disorganization (CD) Foundation education

  • NAPO members and have earned the residential Organizing Badge

✔️ Modules 6-12

✔️ All 3 Special Bonuses

✔️ SHiFT Specialist License

What’s Included

Pay only once…


Apply Now!

Make two monthly payments…


Apply Now!

We cap groups at 8 students to ensure that everyone receives a highly-personalized experience with the support they need. So, if you’re interested, don’t wait to apply!


Choose a time that works for you.

Step 02

We jump on a 30-minute call to get more details about your goals and set an action plan.

Step 03

We work together to help you achieve your organization needs and goals.

As I'm sure you've noticed, entry into SHiFT® Academy is via application only. And, if you click the button to apply, you’ll see that the application process involves 3 steps:

#2. Ensure you have all the information you need to get the most out of this program. 

#1. Help you decide if SHiFT® is truly the right path for you based on your current situation & career goals. 

My goal is to help you make the BEST decision possible, and this simple application process will...

Are You Wondering Whether or Not Professional Organizing is Right For You?

I’m here to help you figure it out! Let's see if you relate to any of these: 

of which...


You love helping people.

You’re a compassionate, kind, and patient person.

You’re not afraid to ask questions.

You know how to be a good listener.

You have a knack for organization.

Then you will be living your best life as a Professional Organizer, and this program is for you!

Apply Now!

SHiFT® is Unlike Any Other Organizing Program Out There

Other Programs

Don’t provide a unique and repeatable framework that addresses the client as a whole person.

Focus on getting you in and out of the client’s door quickly, rather than going one step deeper to focus on lasting results.

Teach you organizing skills, but leave out how to make a successful business out of it and keep things running day-to-day.

Don’t give you access to your coach.

SHiFT® Academy

Teaches a holistic and integrative approach to Professional Organization that creates lasting results with clients.

Guides you in building a truly purposeful and fulfilling career by focusing on the people you serve.

Equips you with the business and marketing skills you need to start and grow a successful organizing business.

Provides live, hands-on training and support with an expert who has established incredible success as a Professional Organizer.


Still Have Questions?

What happens after I attend the program?

Once you complete the 6-week program, you are eligible to be licensed to use the SHiFT® Specialist Method of Organizing. You will receive a contract, trademark guidelines, and an invoice for a $500 (USD) activation fee to be SHiFT® Specialist. An annual membership fee of $200 is required on year three and thereafter. You will also receive a digital badge to use on your social media and website. Most importantly, you earn your BRAGGING RIGHTS!

What can I do with SHiFT® Training?

When you become a SHiFT® Specialist, you will be changing the lives of your clients as you have never done/seen before! You will deep dive into chronic disorganization (CD) and why the SHiFT® Method works for this clientele. How incredible is that?!

Do I need to work with clients affected by Chronic Disorganization?

No! This program gives you unique training and mentorship in that you will learn how to work with people affected by real behavioral problems that lead to clutter. However, there are many avenues you can take in the organizing world, which I’m happy to explore with you.

What if I’m already running my own organizing business?

If you’re a beginner, you must take that track and attend the entire course—that’s all 12 lessons. However, if you are an experienced Professional Organizer with 2+ years of experience and either 1) have a current subscription to ICD® and have completed the Chronic Disorganization (CD) Foundation education, or 2) are a NAPO member and have earned the Residential Organizing Badge –- then you may take the Expert’s Track and only attend sessions 6-12. 

What if I don’t know which track is best for me?

If you’re not sure which track is best for you, I recommend taking the Beginner’s Track. I bet you’ll gain a few nuggets of information that will prove transformative to your business, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional! But if you need more guidance on this, please feel free to reach out to me.

What if I have to miss a session?

Life happens. If you need to miss a session, reach out to Jen (that’s me!) and we will send you the recording so you don’t miss out on what was taught that day.

Can I hop between different programs? 

Once a session has begun for either a Monday/Wednesday, or Tuesday/Thursday, you will no longer be able to jump in and out from one session to another, as we feel this would be disruptive to other students.

What are the technical requirements to join?

Our weekly sessions are offered via Zoom. If you are not familiar with the ins and outs of using Zoom, please let us know. We’re happy to help! 

What happens if I have technical difficulties during the course?

If you cannot attend the course due to unforeseen technical difficulties on the day of the event, reach out to Jen and she’ll send you the recording.

Will I receive recordings after the program ends?

Because this is an interactive program that depends on live participation, we only send out recordings for unforeseen situations or technical difficulties. 

Do you offer any payment plans?

Yes! The program fee can be paid in two installments. However, the course must be paid in full 4 weeks prior to your program’s start date.

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

You are not going to want to cancel your course, but life happens and so we will do our level best to find a solution. That being said, this is our cancellation and refund policy:

  • Cancellations more than four weeks prior to the first day of the course will incur a $250 processing fee.

  • Cancellations one to four weeks prior to the first day of the course will incur a $600 processing fee.

  • Cancellations made one week or less prior to the first day of the course cannot be refunded. Sorry for the inconvenience! We are just a small, woman-owned business. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have any other lingering q’s about the program or how to apply, please reach out to me at and I’ll be happy to assist you!

My Final Question for YOU Is…..

Are you ready to say YES to a fulfilling and
purposeful career? To transform people’s
homes and entire lives by helping them
make the SHiFT®?

Then it’s time you secure your spot inside

October 2, 2023 - November 8, 2023
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST

October 3, 2023 - November 9, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST

Take Your Pick

Beginner’s Track 
*Full Program: Recommended

This track is for Enthusiastic Beginners wanting to learn how to start and grow a successful, purpose-driven business as a Professional Organizer.

✔️ Modules 1-12 (full program)

✔️ All 3 Special Bonuses

✔️ SHiFT® Specialist License

What’s Included

Pay only once…


Apply Now!

Make two monthly payments…


Apply Now!

Pick either morning or afternoon sessions, and join us in Module 6 after we've covered the basics. 

Program Details

Expert’s Track
This track is for Established Professional Organizers with 2+ years of organizing experience who are either:

  • Current subscribers to ICD® and have completed the Chronic Disorganization (CD) Foundation education

  • NAPO members and have earned the residential Organizing Badge

✔️ Modules 6-12

✔️ All 3 Special Bonuses

✔️ SHiFT Specialist License

What’s Included

Pay only once…


Apply Now!

Make two monthly payments…


Apply Now!

Join SHiFT® Academy Today